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Multispeciality OPD
With the inclusion of specialists from different specialties of Medicine and the interventions like EECP (as the bridge therapy for Cardiac patients), Diabetes Care, General Medicine care, Adult Immunization, Sleep Studies and other interventions, Anvi™ Multispeciality Clinic promises the best comprehensive health care to the patients and general population.
The Multispeciality OPDs include:
- Internal Medicine
- Family Medicine
- Cardiology
- Diabetology
- Nephrology
- Gastroenterology
- Neurology
- Oncology
- Rheumatology
- Pediatrics
- Gynecology
- Psychiatry
In the multispeciality OPDs, the consultants from various specialties provide their expert services as the visiting consultants.
Internal Medicine
At Anvi™ Multispeciality Clinic our Internal Medicine specialists deal with the systemic illnesses like :
- Cardiovascular Diseases (Like Hypertension, IHD, CAD, CHF)
- Metabolic Diseases ( Like Diabetes, Hyperlipidemia, Obesity, Nutritional deficiencies)
- Thyroid Disorders (Subclinical and Clinic Hypothyroidism; Subclinical and Clinical Hyperthyroidism)
- Infectious Diseases (Malaria, Typhoid, Dengue, Influenza, Gastroenteritis etc)
- Fever of Unknown Origin
- Anaemia
- Kidney and Liver dysfunctions
- Fatty Liver Diseases (NAFLD)
- Headache (Migraine, Cluster headaches, Tension Headaches)
- Osteoporosis
- Frailty
- Pain syndromes
- Critical illnesses (Palliation)
- Emergency conditions
- Sleep Disorders
- Sexual Dysfunction
- Life Style disorders
- Fatigue Syndromes
- Autoimmune disorders
- Subclinical Hormonal Disorders
- Menopause
- Immunization (for Adults)
- Geriatrics
At Anvi™ Multispeciality Clinic, our Internal Medicine Specialists also provide Medical Fitness Evaluation for:
- Pre Employment
- Pre Operative
- Sports
Non Invasive Cardiology
In the current scenario, the existing Cardiac health infrastructure in our country is insufficient to handle the chronic cases of Heart ailments. There is a need where the Internal Medicine Specialists (M.D.; Medicine) come ahead and build a team with super-specialists (D.M.; Cardiology and M.Ch.; Cardiothoracic Surgery) and effectively manage these chronic cases of Heart diseases (including Coronary Artery Diseases & CHF) effectively in a timely fashion.
In this ecosystem, the super-specialists would be working inside the cath-labs and CVTS operation theaters and do Angioplasties, CABG, and other cardiovascular interventions, and the Internal Medicine Specialists Consultants take care of these patients outside the Cathlabs and CVTS operation theatres.
At Anvi™ Multispeciality Clinic, the Internal Medicine Specialists (Dr. Asmita Chaturvedi) with her vast knowledge of Internal and Systemic Medicine works towards improving screening and managing the cardiac patients with the non invasive approach like:
- ECG (For Screening and Diagnosis)
- Stress Test (For Screening)
- 2 D Echocardiography (For Screening and Diagnosis)
- Ambulatory BP monitoring (For Screening and Diagnosis)
- Ambulatory ECG monitoring (For Screening and Diagnosis)
- Timely Consultations
- EECP (Enhanced External Counter Pulsation; equivalent to Natural Bypass Therapy)
ECG (Electro Cardiogram) is not simply some waving lines on a graph paper. This simple yet valuable screening and diagnostic tool is among the most basic and high yielding test in Cardiology and can save many lives. It denotes the electrical activity of the heart which in turn depends on the blood supply and the autonomic system. Diabetic patients have more chances to getting a heart attack due to deranged Blood sugar levels, High Cholesterol , Hypertension, High blood coagulability and other variables. In Diabetes Mellitus, patients may have silent Ischemia (Silent heart attack). This means that they may not address any pain of heart attack and hence the episode goes unnoticed. A random ECG may detect such type of event. The variation of ECG finding with deep breathing may be altered in Diabetes Mellitus and this may denote the “Autonomic Dysfunction” of the patient. An “ECG” done during a routine annual checkup can pick up treatable (though life threatening) underlying Heart Conditions. A timely taken and rightly interpreted ECG can identify Heart Attack (AMI) at the most precious time and save life.
With vast experience and in-depth knowledge of interpreting ECG, at Anvi™ Superspeciality Clinic the ECG are read and assessed by Dr. Asmita Chaturvedi.
Exercise Stress Test
Also known as TMT (Treadmill Test)/ Exercise Testing/Graded Exercise Tolerance Test. This test measures the efficiency of the heart during a dynamic exercise stress period on a motor driven treadmill or ergometer. It is valuable for diagnosing Ischemic heart disease. It is of valuable significance in diabetic individuals as the cardinal symptoms of heart attack maybe absent and the patient may just have Silent Angina. Exercise is an integral component of management of Diabetes Mellitus and other Life Style associated diseases. A well performed stress test can gauge the exercise tolerance of the heart. A “Stress Test” done during a routine annual checkup can pick up few treatable underlying Heart Conditions. A well performed Stress test can identify compromised blood supply to heart much before the heart attack occurs. This may lead to timely intervention and prevention of emergency complications.
With vast experience and in-depth knowledge of performing and interpreting Exercise Stress Test, at Anvi™ Multispeciality Clinic the Exercise Stress Test is conducted and assessed by Dr. Asmita Chaturvedi.
Ambulatory BP Monitoring (HOLTER):
Autonomic Dysfunction , Vasculopathy , Dyslipidemia cause fluctuations in Blood Pressure in Diabetes patients, Elderly and other conditions. This fluctuation of Blood pressure lead to postural hypotension , Giddiness, Dizziness, Headache and other vasomotor complains in the patient. As the Blood Pressure is not always abnormal in these patients, the diagnosis is missed in the clinic visit. 24 hours Ambulatory BP monitoring (HOLTER) can pick the rise and fall of the Blood Pressure throughout the day/night along with the activity.
Ambulatory ECG Monitoring (HOLTER)
Autonomic Dysfunction , Vasculopathy , Dyslipidemia cause fluctuations in electrical activity of the heart. This fluctuation of Electric activity lead to Palpitations, postural hypotension, Giddiness, Dizziness, Headache, Syncope and other vasomotor complains in the patient. This can even lead to unconsciousness and Sudden Cardiac death. As the ECG is not always abnormal in these patients, the diagnosis is missed in the clinic visit. 24 hours Ambulatory ECG monitoring (HOLTER) can pick the occasional electrical defects/rhythm disturbances of the heart throughout the day/night along with the activity.
Pulse Oximetry and 6 minutes walk test:
Due to increased atherogenicity and Vasculopathy the Cardiac , Renal, Pulmonary and Diabetes patients may have limited oxygen supply to various organs. Pulse Oxymetry and/or 6 minutes walk test is a simple tool with which the Oxygen Saturation can be detected in the OPD. Low Oxygen Saturation gives clue towards the compromised blood supply and/or compromised oxygenation of the blood due to cardiac/lungs issues.
Also known as the “Ultrasound of the Heart”, Echocardiography is a non-invasive radiological modality to ascertain the:
- Size of the Heart.
- Shape of the Heart.
- Pumping Capacity of the Heart.
- Location and extent of any tissue damage.
- Cardiac Output, Ejection Fraction, Systolic & Diastolic functions of the Heart.
- Wall motion.
- Valves areas, Movements and synchrony.
An “Echocardiography” done during a routine annual checkup can pick up few treatable underlying Heart Conditions.
At Anvi™ Multispeciality Clinic, 2D Echocardiography is done and reported by Dr. Asmita Chaturvedi.
Globally, Heart diseases and Heart problems are on a rise. With an increased number of patients having Angina symptoms followed by either Angioplasty or Coronary Artery Bypass Graft every day, unfortunately, there is another group that redevelops the heart and Angina symptoms again.
Globally, Heart diseases and Heart problems are on a rise. With an increased number of patients having Angina symptoms followed by either Angioplasty or Coronary Artery Bypass Graft every day, unfortunately, there is another group that redevelops the heart and Angina symptoms again. These patients have already exhausted the standard medical and surgical options for revascularisation of the Heart and hence the quality of life is affected poorly. In such cases, EECP Treatment also known as, “Enhanced external Counter Pulsation” Therapy may be a viable option. Since EECP Therapy may stimulate the formation of collaterals around the blocked coronary artery thus causing the revascularisation of the heart improving Cardiac perfusion and thus the cardiac function. Since Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) is a Chronic Inflammatory Disease the angioplasty (STENT) and or coronary artery Bypass Surgery (CABG) may not change the natural course of the disease however they will save lives in case of emergencies and are absolutely essential. EECP Treatment on the other hand, besides, may provide in conjunction, an alternative way to improve the coronary blood circulation to the heart naturally thus also known as “Natural Bypass Surgery Alternative”.
- EECP stands for "Enhanced External Counter Pulsation".
- Popularly known as "Natural Bypass Treatment".
- EECP works on the principle of creating a "counter-pulse" towards the Heart using "Pulsatile Pneumatic Compressions".
- EECP is most commonly used as “Adjunctive Treatment” in Cardiac Patients (mainly IHD).
- EECP is very effective as a “Bridge Therapy” for the patients who are in the waiting period for their “Coronary Angioplasty” and/or “CABG”.
- EECP seems to have a potential role in improving the clinical and symptomatic outcome in the patients who have undergone Coronary Angioplasty and/or CABG.
- EECP is a non- invasive procedure.
- EECP is recognized as an option to be provided to the Cardiac Patients who are otherwise unfit for the CABG.
- EECP improves the Cardiac Functions by improving the perfusion of the Coronary Vasculature (Blood Supply to the Heart itself).
- EECP opens up the new collaterals and hence improve the circulation and perfusion.
- EECP is a recognized entity which improves the micro-circulation of the Heart.
- EECP also improves the circulation to other Vital Organs of the body (Brain, Kidney etc.)
With a vast experience in Non Invasive Cardiology at Anvi™ Multispeciality Clinic, EECP Treatment is assessed, planned and given by Dr. Asmita Chaturvedi; M.D.(Internal Medicine).
More than merely a life style disorder, Obesity should be considered a Chronic remitting relapsing disease with potential to cause Metabolic, Cardiovasular, Endocrine and other systemic complications.
Dr. Deepak Chaturvedi emphasizes that the following facts about Obesity should be acknowledged:
- Obesity is equivalent to Pre-diabetes.
- Obesity with Pre-diabetes is equivalent to Diabetes.
- Obesity with Diabetes is equivalent to Heart Disease.
- Obesity should be managed beyond weight loss and under supervision of a medical doctor.
At Anvi™ Multispeciality Clinic, Dr. Deepak Chaturvedi manages Obesity with:
- Identification and management of causes and complications of Obesity.
- Medical Intervention (Including Hormonal interventions and GLP protocols).
- Life Style Modification.
- Dietary protocols (HCG protocol, Keto Diet, Ketogenic Diet, LCD, VLCD).
Diabetes Care
The current trends of managing Diabetes focuses on Tight Blood Sugar Control by:
- Medications
- Lifestyle modification
- Exercise
- Dietary Modification
- Sleep management and
- Stress Reduction.
At Anvi™ Multispeciality Clinic, under care of Dr. Deepak Chaturvedi the other potential hormonal and metabolic implications of Diabetes are identified and fixed. Dr. Deepak Chaturvedi says that “Even if diagnosed with Diabetes, one should not leave hope”. The current medical world is working very hard to give array of hope to people living with diabetes.
With Dr. Deepak Chaturvedi the “Remission of Diabetes Mellitus Type 2” is possible and if the individual is compliant then the attempts to achieve "Complete Reversal of Diabetes Mellitus Type 2" can be expected.
Thyroid Care
Dr. Deepak Chaturvedi says that : With its two players “Levothyroxine (T4)” and “Triiodothyronine (T3)”, Thyroid Gland plays pivotal role in managing overall well being of the body. Thyroid hormones play crucial role in managing all the systems of the body including Metabolic, Endocrine, Neurological, Reproductive and Cardiovascular systems. The derangement in Thyroid gland functioning (leading to Hypo or Hyperthyroidism) may cause multiple complications related to almost all the systems of the body.
At Anvi™ Multispeciality Clinic, Dr. Deepak Chaturvedi with his in- depth knowledge and vast experience in managing Thyroid disorders, gives attention to all the Metabolic, Endocrine, Neurological, Cardiovascular, Reproductive and other Systemic aspects of Thyroid disorders. He manages Thyroid disorders with appropriate medical interventions (T4 or T3 or combination) along with life style and nutritional modification. He suggests that even in asymptomatic people Thyroid Functions should be evaluated atleast once an year. He further asserts that People having 3 or more of the following symptoms should consult doctor for Thyroid gland evaluation immediately:
Fatigue, Abnormal blood pressure, Slow or rapid pulse rate, Nervousness, Cold/warm body, Heat/Cold intolerance, Abnormal sweating pattern , Change in skin, hairs and nails texture, Decreased mental sharpness, Cold hands/feet, Hair loss, Slowed reflexes or Hyperactivity, Panic attacks, involuntary Weight gain or weight loss, Newly onset bowel irregularity, Short attention span, Memory loss, Thick tongue, Palpitations, High cholesterol, Aches/pains, Hoarseness, Goiter, Mood changes, Less libido, Infertility, Menstrual irregularities, Insomnia, Excessive sleep, Puffy eyes/face, Bone loss, Bulging eyes, Heart palpitations, Anxious feeling, Depression, Less muscle mass and Irritable.
Hormones modulate almost all the aspects of health
- Bone and muscle strength (Growth Hormone, Testosterone, Estrogen, Progesterone, DHEA, Vitamin D).
- Mood, Memory and Brain health (Growth Hormone, Thyroid Hormones, Testosterone, Estrogen, Progesterone, DHEA, Melatonin, Vitamin D).
- Metabolism, Lean body mass and Body weight (Ghrelin, Leptin, Adiponectin, GLP-1,Insulin, Thyroid hormones, Growth Hormone, Testosterone,DHEA, Progesterone).
- Libido, Orgasm and Sexual health (Testosterone, Estrogen, DHEA, Thyroid Hormones).
- Fertility (Testosterone, Estrogen, Progesterone, Thyroid Hormones, Growth Hormone).
- Cardiac Health (Testosterone, Estrogen, Vitamon D, Thyroid hormones).
- Immunity (Melatonin, Cortisol , DHEA, Thyroid Hormones, Estrogen)
- Sleep (Melatonin, Progesterone).
- Appetite (Ghrelin, Leptin, Adiponectin, Insulin, Growth Hormone, Thyroid hormones, Testosterone, GLP-1, Glucagon , Cortisol).
- Skin health and texture (Thyroid Hormones, Growth Hormone, Estrogen, DHEA, Melatonin).
- Hairs (Thyroid Hormones, Growth Hormone , Estrogen, Testosterone, Melatonin).
At Anvi™ Multispeciality Clinic, Dr. Deepak Chaturvedi with his vast experience and in-depth understanding of Hormones, focuses on managing Clinic and Subclinical Hormonal imbalances (disorders) like Menopause, Andropause, Growth Hormone deficiency states, Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome, Thyroid disorders, Metabolic Syndrome, Sexual Dysfunction, Obesity and other disorders.
Hormones Replacement Therapy
At Anvi™ Multispeciality Clinic, Dr. Deepak Chaturvedi with his vast experience and in-depth understanding of Hormones manages all the cases where there is well documented evidence of deficiency like Menopause, Andropause, Hypogonadism in both sexes, Premature Aging, Diabetes Mellitus, PCOD, Hypothyroidism, Male and Female Sexual Dysfunction, Somatopause, Infertility, Adrenal Fatigue, Low libido, Menstrual problems and Hirsutism.
There are other medical, Surgical and Gynecological conditions where Hormone therapy can be therapeutic and/or supportive are Obesity, Alopecia (Baldness), Depression, Anxiety, Sleep Disorders, Jet Lag, Small Breasts, Gynecomastia, Fibromyalgia, Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections, Acne, Memory and Attention disorders, Cachexia, Osteoporosis, Large Breasts, Benign Prostrate Hypertrophy, Restless Leg Syndrome, Recurrent Vaginal Infections, Chronic Fatigue and Autoimmune disorders (like Rheumatoid Arthritis) etc.
The pauses of life which can be managed at Anvi Multispeciality Clinic with timely institution of Hormone Replacement Therapy under supervision of Dr. Deepak Chaturvedi are:
- Menopause
- Andropause
- Somatopause
At Anvi™ Multispeciality Clinic, we provide Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) and Growth Hormone Replacement Therapy to the medically indicated and eligible patients under supervised care of Dr. Deepak Chaturvedi.
Menopause is the period in which a permanent cessation of menses occurs because of loss of ovarian activity. Menses usually cease between 48-52 years of age.
During peri- and postmenopausal stages the women usually feels symptoms like Headache, Low libido, Weight gain ,Palpitations, Painful intercourse, Skin thinning, Night Sweats, Vaginal Itching, Hair thinning, Insomnia/Sleep Disorders, Increased Urinary Frequency, Hot flashes, Fatigue, Vaginal Dryness, Bone pains, Anxiety, Muscle pains, Irritability Cramps, Depression, Lack of concentration and Decreased Memory,
The sudden withdrawal of sex hormones (Estrogen and Progesterone) and then chronic deficiency may bring complications like Hot Flushes, Osteoporosis, Cardiovascular diseases, Urinary tract complications, Sexual dysfunction and other neurological and psychological problems.
At Anvi™ Multispeciality Clinic, Dr. Deepak Chaturvedi manages the menopause (and peri-menopause) associated symptoms and complications with the principle of “ Timely institution of medical and life style interventions in the golden period (therapeutic window)”. Dr. Deepak Chaturvedi has vast experience and in-depth knowledge of Hormone Replacement Therapy and BIHRT.
The term ANDROPAUSE has been used to denote age-related decline in testosterone concentration but there is no discrete time when testosterone concentration decline abruptly.
The Physical Symptoms of Andropause are Decreased vigor, Easily fatigued, Poor exercise tolerance, Diminished strength and muscle mass, Decrease in bone mineral density and Decreased body hair.
The Sexual Symptoms of Andropause are Decreased libido, Decreased sexual activity, Limited quality of orgasm, Reduced ejaculate strength and Reduced ejaculate volume.
The Psychological Symptoms of Andropause are Mood disorders, Poor concentration, Loss of motivation, Reduced initiative, Memory impairment, Anxiety, Depression, Irritability, Insomnia, General reduction in intellectual activity, and Poor work performance.
At Anvi™ Multispeciality Clinic, Andropause (or Partial Androgen Deficiency in Adult Male; PADAM) is managed by Dr. Deepak Chaturvedi with hormone replacement and life style management.
Sleep Study
Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA) is a common clinical condition which is most often ignored by the patients as well as the clinicians. OSA can be “with Snoring” or “without Snoring”. OSA leads to frequent spells of decreased oxygen supply to the brain when you are sleeping. The decreased blood supply to the brain makes the Brain fatigued and there is day time brain fogginess and sleep craving.
- OSA increases Stress on the body.
- OSA increases Obesity; and vice versa (Obesity increases OSA).
- OSA brings lot of Hormonal Changes in the body which causes the deterioration in the quality of life (with Low Energy, Depression, Sexual Dysfunction and other problems).
- OSA is an independent risk factor for Metabolic Syndrome, Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension, Coronary Artery Disease, Depression, Dementia and many other medical conditions.
Every individual should ideally be evaluated for OSA by simple “Sleep Studies”. AHI (Apnoea-Hypopnoea Index) of more than 30 calls for immediate intervention.
Ultrasonography (USG):
At Anvi™ Multispeciality Clinic, Ultrasonography (USG) is done by Expert Radiologists.
Commonly done studies are:
- USG Whole Abdomen.
- USG Pelvis
- Sonomammogram
- USG small parts.
- Color Doppler studies.
I.V. Therapies
At Anvi™ Multispeciality Clinic, we provide Intravenous Therapies for:
- Osteoporosis
- Anaemia
- Fatigue
- Wellness
- Hydration
- Nutrition
- Alcohol Hangover
- Substance withdrawal symptoms
- Vitamins and Minerals deficiencies
- Cancer Chemotherapy
- I.V. Nutrition Therapy
- I.V. Chelation Therapy
IVNT (I.V. Nutrition Therapy)
IVNT is an elective, adjunctive treatment in which the vitamins, minerals, amino-acids and antioxidants are delivered by way of the intravenous, or parenteral route of administration. It allows for the delivery of high concentration of nutrients to the body tissues/cells without the 1st pass effect (liver through portal vein).
Dr. John Myer had proposed that a harmless mixture of key nutritional supplements might be given in a single intravenous infusion to literally flooding each cell in the body with nutrients to perhaps improve their performance. He used the locally available vitamins, minerals and nutrients as a cocktail first on animals and then on himself and then on informed consenting patients. His assistant Dr.Gaby further took over this practice and continued offering Myers cocktail to patients. The Myers cocktail kept on getting modified by number of Physicians world wide.
At Anvi™ Multispeciality Clinic, under supervision of Dr. Deepak Chaturvedi and Dr. Asmita Chaturvedi following IVNT are given:
- Myer’s Cocktail
- Glutathione
- Vitamin C
- Magnesium
- Calcium
- Aminoacids
- Iron
- Vitamin B Complex
- L-Carnitine
If you have any of the following conditions then you should opt for IV therapy (IVNT):
- Unexplained fatigue
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Fibromyalgia
- Alcoholism
- Iron Deficiency Anaemia
- Nutritional Deficiency states (B Complex, Minerals)
- Myofascial pain
- Migraine
- Tension Headache
- Alcohol Hangover
- Muscle Spasms
- Muscle soreness
- Acute viral illnesses (common cold, URTI, Flu)
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Decreased Exercise endurance
- Narcotic withdrawal
- Cancer
Following group of patients should not be given IVNT:
- G6PD deficiency : May lead to haemolysis
- Persistent hypotension
- Arrythmias
- Patients on Digoxin
- History of Anaphylaxis
I.V. Chelation Therapy
Heavy metals are ubiquitous and have the potential to get access inside our body through Food, Water, Air, Medicines, Supplements, Implants and other means. Our body is equipped to handle (maintain and excrete) limited amount of metals entered in the body. Any amount more than this gets accumulated and causes widespread “Inflammation” and “Destruction” within the body.
When the heavy metals gets accumulated and deposited in vital organs, the systemic complications and organs damage happens.
Heavy Metal over-exposure and/or toxicity is associated with Malignancies, Ischemic Heart Disease, Unexplained Disorders, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Skin, Hairs and Nails Conditions and Premature Aging.
Common Heavy Metals over-exposure and/or Toxicities encountered in Practice are Lead, Iron, Aluminium, Arsenic, Mercury, Cadmium, Copper and Calcium.
Chelation Therapy, if given judiciously and in a supervised manner can provide relief to the Heavy metals over-exposure and/or toxicities and provide Systemic and Subjective improvement in the health conditions associated with such over-exposure and toxicities. Commonly used medicines for Chelation therapy are Disodium EDTA, Desferrioxamine and DMSA.
At Anvi™ Multispeciality Clinic, Chelation Therapy is given by Dr.Asmita Chaturvedi and Dr. Deepak Chaturvedi.
Adult Immunization
A medical truth that is often ignored: "Immunization is very important not only for children and adolescents but also for youth, adults and the elderly. Timely vaccination in adults can avoid fatal diseases (especially infections and some cancers)”.
Few examples:
- 1. Hepatitis B vaccination can prevent Hepatitis B infection and reduce the likelihood of liver cirrhosis and liver cancer.
- 2. Timely HPV vaccination can reduce the chances of cervical cancer in women. Also women in their child bearing age should have their MMR vaccination profile complete.
- 3. Diabetes, Asthma and Heart patients should receive pneumococcal vaccine on time.
- 4. In the old age, flu and Shingles vaccination is essential.
- 5. Students going overseas for studies need complete vaccination. All of us need to get vaccinated at every stage of our life.
Why do Adults need vaccines?
- Some adults were never vaccinated as children.
- Newer vaccines were not available when some of them were children.
- Immunity can begin to wane over time.
- As we age we become more prone to serious diseases caused by common infections.
Recommended Adult Immunization schedule by vaccine and age group:
- Flu vaccine: 19-65+ years, every year.
- Tdap: 19-65+ years, 1 dose of Tdap followed by Td every 10 years.
- Shingles/ Zoster: over 60 years of age, 1 dose.
- Pneumococcal: 1 dose above 65 years; 1 dose for 19-64 years age with risk factors; of PCV13 or PPSV23.
- Meningococcal: 1 or more doses in certain risk factors for ages 19- 65+yrs age.
- MMR: 1 or 2 doses for 19-55 yrs age.
- HPV (For women): 3 doses for 19-26 yrs.
- HPV (For men): 3 doses for 19-21 yrs and 3 doses for 22-26 yrs with risk factors.
- Chickenpox/ Varicella: 2 doses for 19-65 yrs.
- Hepatitis A: 2 doses for 19-65+ yrs.
- Hepatitis B: 2 doses for 19-65+ yrs.
At Anvi™ Multispeciality Clinic Adult Immunization (Vaccination) is done under supervision of Dr. Asmita Chaturvedi.
Age Management
Age Management is an art of managing Clinical and Pre-Clinical conditions of an individual to :
- Prevent the Preventable.
- Delay the inevitable.
- Repair the repairable.
- Restore the restorable.
- Regenerate the possible.
At Anvi™ Multispeciality Clinic, Age Management Medicine is practiced under supervision of Dr. Deepak Chaturvedi and Dr. Asmita Chaturvedi with:
- Hormones Restoration/Replacement
- Menopause & Andropause Management
- Metabolic Correction
- Adult Immunization
- Osteoporosis Management
- Pain Management
- Sleep Management
- Stress Management
- Screening protocols
To expand the spectrum of its clinical services to its patients and to make the pathological tests readily available, Anvi™ Multispeciality Clinic has entered in Collaboration with Lupin Diagnostics to setup sample collection and reporting system in the same premise of Anvi™ Multispeciality Clinic. This will help in timely collection of samples and reporting so as to speed up the process of diagnosis and treatment.
With the help of Lupin Diagnostics, Anvi™ Multispeciality Clinic makes sure that the samples can be collected from the home of the patients at their comfort.
From routine wellness tests to Fever profiles to advanced systemic tests, Anvi™ Multispeciality Clinic in association with Lupin Diagnostics assures best service to patients and general population.
- Exercise Stress Test
- 2D Echocardiography (2D Echo)
- Ultrasonography (USG)
- Ambulatory Monitoring
- Sleep Study
- Pathology